Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Pollution Diseases Essay Example For Students

Pollution Diseases Essay Remember when life was grand? You could go outside, smell the fresh air,walk barefoot without worring about something diseased finding its way intoyour foot. Yes, it used to be a wonderful life. Just think if you were asquirrel living in a hundred year old oak tree. You work all fall to prepare forwinter, then from out of no where a machine (youre foreign to) knocks downyour home. You just lost your home and a hundred year old tree lost its life fora parking lot. This happens to millions of animals and plants everyday. An acreof rainforest is destroyed every second for farmland well use for a few yearsand leave. That rainforest is not replaceable. We complain rainforest is notreplaceable. We complain theres not a cure for HIV or many other diseases,but we destroy forest that its plants produce many medicines and one of thoesplants could contain a cure for a disease. Its something to think about.Heres something else to think about. We use huge machinery to destroy therainforest. These machines release chemicals into the air which pollutes thestuff we breathe into our bodies. Everytime we gun that engine or peel our tireswe pollute the air. If we want to breathe healthy air so we can enjoy theoutdoors, were going to have to be more consious on what we do. What do youthink about a huge flood that kills all living things on land? Well, everytimeyou spray the hairspray or cheese in a can you release aresol which depleats theozone. Because of our lack of knowledge or care there is now a huge hole overAntartica. If to much heat gets to the glaciers they will melt overfilling theoceans causeing massive floods on dry land. Floods so bad they would kill allliving things. Would it kill you to not drive for the fun of it, possibly walkor car pool? Well, since people have over-used the gas of the world werefacing a shortage of fossil fuel which is what powers our cars. With thisproblem other problems occur. Air pollution, noise pollution, and over crowdingare some to just name a few. This problem needs to be taken care of quickly. Theproblem of pollution is something has to end and end soon. If somethingdoesnt stop the pollution will take over and destroy us which is no bodysfault but ourselves. The problem is bad but if we start to clean up now we couldstill make it a wonderful life (again).

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